Before I head off to Mendocino for the weekend, I thought I'd leave you with these pics of my favorite book event this year so far...
"Dirty Words: An evening of Smut" on Aug. 3 at CellSpace in San Francisco, an erotic literary event (you know how I love those!) presented by Litquake and hosted by the fabulous, carefree and totally-adorable-in-a-vinyl-corset Kirk Read.
I'm gonna use severe brevity in this posting 'cuz I gotta dash but I will just sum it up this way for now: James Joyce wrote fantastically dirty love letters to his wife Nora that can really only be appreciated when read aloud with a thick Scottish brogue by the dramatic, naughty, manly Alan Black...Stormy Leather has amazing leather wear and thank gooness for SF burlesque!--especially when done by Twilight Vixen Revue, an all-queer showgirl and production company...I have a mad, mad crush on Stephen Elliott...yes, there really are swingers in Marin, as told by the lovely British Helena Echlin...and now I fully understand how important math truly is, thanks to Ellen Sussman's reading of her experience of "69" from her book, which I very much need to get immediately...
If you want, I'll fill you in on other details later. Gotta go now! XOXOXXX