Beth, the art director for the Pacific Sun, is a super cool chick who used to be in a bunch of SF punk bands (including the Loudmouths) and did an indie movie (that got a lot of attention at the time) with Thespian in the '90s called, "Mary Jane's Not a Virgin Anymore." She also used to be the art director for SF Bay Guardian but now she's designing our little Marin paper while gigging with the Meat Sluts and playing electric 'ukulele with Pineapple Princess, runs this really rockin' van website (no, really, that's what it's called) and does taxidermy on the side--you know, just for fun. Other people think she's cool, too but yeah... she makes me feel like I really don't do much. Well, mostly because that's true.
And, OK, because she's so cool, she also has a cool boyfriend who tattoos and is going to school to be an EMT. AND he bakes cool cakes for Day of the Dead to give to his class--the big one he sent with Beth for our office. What a guy, hunh??
Yeah, I know. These people make me sick, too. -xo