So anyhoo... I'm back in San Francisco now. And it sure feels good!!
Once again, I don't have an editorial-type job lined up--YET. But the difference is, I feel much more relaxed and confident that it's gonna happen... that it's meant to happen.
I'm less freaked out now being away from Maui than when I first set foot on the Mainland in August. (Can you believe it's been six months?? It feels like six years.) And getting the newsroom job in Palm Springs showed me that I am, indeed, hireable... despite my fears to the contrary after two-and-a-half months spent in my bathrobe walking around my freezing-ass, haunted, doomed apartment in SF's Inner Sunset waaaay back in September.
Oh, but I do have a couple freelance gigs--I've still got the restaurant reviews to do in the East Bay and Marin for, which is great in that I'll be dining out more, but the pay's not so great.
The second freelance gig I scored is for a BLOG at an exciting new website about shoes and the women who love them--it's called If you click on the link for "BLOGS," then go to "Fun & Funky," I have two blogs: "Slippin' Into the Future, Part One" (1/25) and "Slippin' Into the Future, Part Two" (2/5).
I have posted the picture here that you'll see on the Shoetube site that's associated with me, so as not to confuse you too much. And um... it's a wig, by the way--not the effects of being in Southern California too long. However, one can only imagine the ravages that peroxided hell would've spurned on my psyche and hairline over time...
It should be noted that my Plan B, upon careful consideration by my Hispanic friends, is for me to ditch the writing thing and be a Telemundo chick. I argue that my inadequate language skills in that area may pose a problem. Their solution: Mexican porn. Hmph. How rude.
Ah, well. Consider it Plan C.
Aw Yeah, suki suki, Bowchikabowbow. Cue porn bass line...blinkumblinkumblinkumblinkum.
Are you a natural blonde? How's the hysteria? Miss you.
"Friends seen an' you that are ridin' along
in your you that are sitting at you table
I greet you with the holy word 'Peace'...
for with my infinite mind I thinks constructively...
and I'm able to draw whatsaever I want into my immediate
surroundin'...for yo' minds are my mind
and my mind is yo' mind and I'm sendin' out
my mind to you, you, an' you...
You've got to remain to bein' cannot be
nobody else, it ain't no use tryin' bein' no whirlwind
an' uh, jumpin' here an' an' playin' checkers with
your own life, that ain't gonna work, baby...
Now repeat these words behind me:
'I am what I am' that's all you are...
you are what you believe you are...stretch out
So many of you all in Radioland, you're not stretchin' out...
but I want to say one thing to you makes no
differen' who you are, what you're doin', what you're
tryin' to do or want to do, repeat these words
'I am what I am and that's all I what I am'...
that's all I, look, that, that's all I am is what I am...and I'm it
Make no differen' whether it's in the mornin',
the evenin', or in the night time...
hair breakin' out, bald's the same thing...
you are what you believe you are
'Cause some of you all are sittin' there right now,
amen, an' tell if you had a necktie on yo', on now, right now,
a whirlwind would come along an' choke you to death,
that's how bad luck some of you all in...
some of you all in such a bad luck right now
that you couldn't hit a barn with a baseball bat...
some of you all in such a bad luck right now, amen,
if you was to sit down by-a-by-men, by a pond, amen,
somethin' would come up an' stick ya'
you just in that bad a' luck...
I am what I repeat this behind me:
'I am what I am and that is all I am and I am it'...
Yes, I know what you're sayin'...stretch out...oh, yes...stretch out"
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