Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Last call 2008...


Here's the result of all that imbibed research of the past couple weeks I shared with my friend/illustrious award-winning writer/co-worker Matt... "Here comes a regular, there stands the glass: The Pacific Sun's Marin bar roundup--reflections in our bloodshot eyes"

During the course of our research, whenever somebody, be it a friend or stranger, would find out about the subject of the article we were working on--namely, the summation of all dives, pubs and wine bars (sans restaurant or hotel-connections) in Marin--they would snicker or heartily chuckle (guffaw, even) and say, haughtily, "Wow, that's a tough assignment! What a hard job you have." At which point, it's polite writerly conduct to merely smile weakly and stare at your half-empty glass, continuing to fill your precariously perched pad-on-knee with more arbitrary notes about whatever drinkery you happen to be in, and searching the annals of your stressed cerebrum for yet another euphemism to describe this particular "dingy hole" and its weathered, weary and most decidedly inebriated inhabitants.

And while I recognize and am perpetually grateful for the sheer notion of having a full-time writer gig, and one that takes me to the most, er, interesting it truly the non-stop party people suppose it to be?

Okay, sometimes it is.

1 comment:

Anthony Pignataro said...

It was a lot of work putting stories like this together, wasn't it? Oh, how you and I would agonize over word choice and sentence rhythm and comma placement, then about five minutes after shooting the whole package off to the press we'd plop down in our respective offices (such as they were) and sigh, realizing that probably no one on the whole island would ever notice or care at the attention we lavished on such pieces...

I miss you too, Sam.