Saw two movies today: Bourne Ultimatum and The Brave One. Really quite liked them both. And I don't know how I did it, but I couldn't have picked a better pair to see back-to-back.
Both movies seem to be about each protaganists' crisis of identity--how initially they believe themselves to be the victims of imposed chance, how they modify their behavior in order to survive--and ultimately, how they accept who they've become. It was strangely cathartic for me to witness. Not that I'm in the midst of gunning down assassins or seeking retribution against iPod-stealing thugs on the subway. But I am sort of coming to terms with the new me on the mainland...
Oh, and by the way, Jodie Foster at 44 is still smokin' hot--I think even hotter than she was in Foxes (1980). My only complaint is that in this movie I really wanted her to get it on with my African-American Benicio del Toro, Terrance Howard. I mean, I was straight-up shoving that popcorn down my throat in angst.
Do it for me, Jodie, please...
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