So This Is What It's Like...
That night at the Amber with Jeff was immensely therapeutic and spiritually uplifting. We're old pals--and Jeff is a true San Franciscan rockstar/artist/deli worker--so we talked at length about our goals, dreams and desires (yes, they are different things). We debated with our good friend Bob--also a fellow SF rockstar (check out his band, Blood Panda) and deli worker--about the history of rock 'n roll and Nirvana's place in it, as we both interpret it, oh-so-differently. And really, we just got shit-faced drunk. A good time was had by all.
But the boys also introduced me to Shady, a cool and classy bartender chick who, in her spare time, takes to interviewing local and visiting musicians and posts the podcasts online, along with a team of fellow journalists at
She was a very cool chick, indeed. And she seemed receptive to me taking the load off of her--the constant pressure of needing to attend endless concerts and such is straining the wee lass, and she is in need of assistance.
Networking. Ain't it grand? Especially if you can do it over PBRs and whiskey shots. Now this is the kind of reporting I'm gonna like...
Oh, but yeah... had to take the next day off due to one hellacious hangover. Pooh.
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