Time for More...
As for this current career conundrum: The biggest thing, I think, is to just keep open to the experiences I've been offered and flow with whatever happens along the way... even if for the next couple months it means revisiting the desert of my youth, So Cal's strange plastic surgery-addled lifestyle and the syncopated rhythms of rich old white conservatives/working-class Hispanic democrats/and transient retired Canadians of the Coachella Valley, generally speaking.
Yeah, I've decided to take The Desert Sun key features reporter job in Palm Springs--albeit on a 6-8 week trial basis. In the meantime, I'm gonna sublet the pad in SF, and continue scoping out opportunities there.
It was an agonizing decision to make but I feel comfortable with my inconclusive conclusion. It's kind of my way.
So with that dirty deed done, and one day of recuperation under my belt, I was ready to party it up with my Energizer Bunny buddy, Elan, and his merry mates, Andrew and Beth, at Annie's Social Club, where a triple-header of Montana pop-punk bands would be performing.
We stopped and had beers at Zeitgeist along the way, so we missed the first band. And I was too busy flirting with Andrew to pay too much attention to the second band, but apparently Elan had taken it upon himself to announce to the third band, The Hermans (some kids he knew from his hometown, Missoula), that I was some bigtime local music journalist.
After I punched my dear friend in the gut, I thought perhaps the least I could do was show a little cleavage on the frontlines, and maybe even ask an interview-ish question or two at halftime. Petting Andrew and getting trashed would have to wait.
But as it turned out, The Hermans were really quite good, and they gave me a cool on-the-road journal that they were actually doing a book tour for. As a band, they were tight, and very energetic without being gimmicky. It was full-on rock, with integrity. And you could tell they were having fun, although the crowd was severely lacking, save for my bosoms, Beth's appreciative head-nodding and Elan's erratic jumping around.
All in all, it was a fun night.
Oh, and I forgot to mention, my roommate (also another rockstar drummer/unemployed/ex-deli worker) has decided to move back to Jersey.
Wow Palm Springs huh? Quite the jaunt. My stepdad plays in a rock/blues/whatevah band in Palm Desert called the John Stanley King band. Check them out if you get bored out there.
Really? Okay, cool--I will! And yeah, I do need all the suggestions I can get to keep myself occupied... yikes...
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